27 December, 2005

Frienster miss me...??

Fuh, ada-ada aja akalnya... beberapa hari yg lalu gw iseng buka salah satu email gw yg udah jarang bgt gw buka. Pasalnya.. email itu banyak bgt sampahnya, udah gitu, nggak ada spam blokernya. jadi, isi email-nya nggak karuan. namun ada satu yg sedikit menggoda untuk di buka.. tertulis pada subject: Friendster Really Misses You :D katanya
We've noticed that it's been a few months since you stopped by Friendster. And that's okay. We're not mad! In fact we've made good use of our time apart. Introducing:
Blogs! Yes, it's true. Friendster has created a simple, easy-to-use blogging tool that lets you post photos with ease, maintain a journal, write heinous poetry. We don't care. We won't judge. We just want you to be happy.
Friendster Joint Horoscopes. Not just your horoscope - joint horoscopes for you and your friends, updated daily. Check your joint horoscope to find out what the stars have in store for you and each of your friends.
Improved Performance. We're better than we were before. Better, stronger, faster.
And also? Finding old friends is easier than ever, thanks to the new Classmates and Alumni searching tool. How easy? Come back and see for yourself!

hii.... sampe merinding bacanya....

12 December, 2005

Post from desktop

Tes...tes... satu dua.. satu.. Alfa, tanggo.. remoe, juliet... :D he..he..74x ;D lagi nyoba posting dari Desktop edubuntu neh... kmaren nyoba nggak bisa2.. selidik2 boleh selidik... ternyata karena belum configure proxy? aplikasi yg gw pake untuk post ini namanya Post Blog Entry. uhu... makin cinta aja sama pinguin... **norak gak sih?

Hm... lagi donlot Oracle Express Edition. Baru 10.6 of 193.9 MB at 8.4 Kb/s 06:05:29 remaining...? :( nggak papa deh.. biar sampe besok gw tungguin dah..

** ngopi dulu ah..

11 December, 2005

Bingung (maklum laper... )

Fuh... Update edubuntu. dari smalem nggak kelar-kelar. Konyol ngga? edubuntu di install aplikasi untuk serper (e.g apache, MySql, Postgresql, php dll) udah gitu yg bingunginnya lagi.. gw install juga aplikasi2 untuk security-nya (Firestarter, shorewall, nmap, nessus dkk). nah! tapi ada yg bikin tambah jadi bingung.. gw nggak bisa nyettingnya... :(

ya udahlah.. udah bingung (laper) neh.. nanti aja klo nggak bingung lanjut lagi.. **makan dulu ah..

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